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Enabelling Act

Gave the Nazis the power to pass laws without the Reichstag and overrule the Constitution.


Mein Kampf

Hitler's book used to publicise his views. Similar to the 25-point plan but more extreme.

Enabelling Act

The Enabling Act, passed into law on March 24th, 1933, marked a significant turning point in German history, solidifying Nazi control over the government. Here's a breakdown of its key points:
Passage of the Act:
The Enabling Act was passed by a wide margin, with 444 votes in favor and 94 against. Notably, all 81 members of the Communist Party were absent during the vote, while only the Social Democratic Party (SPD) opposed it.
Intimidation Tactics:
Prior to the vote, members of the Reichstag were intimidated by the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazi Party's paramilitary wing. This coercion played a significant role in securing support for the Act.
Granting of Powers:
The Enabling Act granted unprecedented powers to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. As Chancellor, Hitler gained the authority to propose new laws, which could then be passed by his cabinet. Importantly, these laws had the ability to supersede the Weimar Constitution, effectively concentrating legislative power in the hands of the Nazis.
Duration and Renewal:
Initially, the Enabling Act was set to expire after four years. However, it was renewed in 1937, further extending the period of Nazi control.
End of Democratic Opposition:
Perhaps most significantly, the passage of the Enabling Act marked the end of democratic governance in Germany. Opposition parties within the Reichstag were effectively sidelined, as they could no longer challenge or veto new laws proposed by the Nazi government.

Munich Putsch & Bamberg Conference


Night of the Long Knives


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Tech support

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Software develop

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Nestor Scarratt

Citizensip Student

Nestor is a diligent student fully committed to delving into the intricacies of the citizenship curriculum while pursuing his education at the City of London. His remarkable academic achievements are exemplified by an outstanding 95% score (76/80) in his citizenship exam, where he lost only four marks throughout the entire paper. This exceptional performance underscores Nestor's remarkable intelligence and unwavering work ethic.

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